读老道(Douglas Crockford)的《Javascript:The Good Parts》中关于array.splice()方法的实现代码,现在自己加一些注释。

	//array.splice() is a method that delete some items in an array, 
	//and add new items to the place where the deleted items used 
	//to be, finally, it returns the deleted items as an array.
    Array.method('splice', function (start, deleteCount) {
    var max = Math.max,
        min = Math.min,
		//arguments here refer to all the arguments this method
        //receive(as an array). So we should drop the first two
        //paramaters(start and deleteCount).
        insertCount = max(arguments.length - 2, 0),
        k = 0,
        len = this.length,
        result = [],
    //if start is null, start = 0.
    start = start || 0;
    //if start is a negtive number, add start and len to get the 
    //index of the start element.
    if (start < 0) {
        start += len;
    //make sure that start is no bigger than len nor smaller than 0.
    start = max(min(start, len), 0);
    //if deleteCount is not given, delete all the elments after start.
    //And make sure it is is no bigger than len nor smaller than 0.
    deleteCount = max(min(typeof deleteCount === 'number' ?
            deleteCount : len, len − start), 0);
    delta = insertCount − deleteCount;
    new_len = len + delta;
    //push this[start,start + deleteCount -1] into result, namely just 
    //set the deleted array that will be returned.
    while (k < deleteCount) {
        element = this[start + k];
        if (element !== undefined) {
            result[k] = element;
        k += 1;
    //shift_count is the count of remained elements in this[start,] 
    shift_count = len - start - deleteCount;
    //set the new index of the elements left in this[start,].
    if (delta < 0) {
        k = start + insertCount;
        while (shift_count) {
            this[k] = this[k − delta];
            k += 1;
            shift_count −= 1;
        this.length = new_len;
    } else if (delta > 0) {
        k = 1;
        while (shift_count) {
            this[new_len − k] = this[len − k];
            k += 1;
            shift_count −= 1;
    //push the added items in the new index-aranged array.
    for (k = 0; k < insertCount; k += 1) {
        this[start + k] = arguments[k + 2];
    //just return the result,nail it! 
    return result;